We are delighted to announce that Hebden Bridge Golf Club has recently completed several documents and processes for England Golf that will give us “SafeGolf” accreditation. Our Club will make sure that the sport of golf is one within which all participants can thrive in a safe environment and that all children and young people and adults at risk have an enjoyable and positive experience when playing golf and participating in Club life.
The details of what we’ll do are contained in 2 policy documents: Hebden Bridge Golf Club Children and Young People Safeguarding Policy & Procedures and Hebden Bridge Golf Club Safeguarding Adults Policy. We have also appointed a Club Welfare Officer – Jake Allott – who is our first point of contact for all Safeguarding concerns & who has undergone training and the gained the necessary official clearances to undertake the role. The documents and poster were e mailed to all members on 9/3/21 and can be requested at any time, as well as being available in hard copy on the Club notice board.
The first few pages of each document will give you a good sense of what we are promising and how we will do it. Importantly, too, we explain the responsibilities “everyone” has in Safeguarding by noticing, reporting when appropriate and contributing to creating a safe environment.
For members who are parents of children of young people who take part in golf or other activities at the Club, you’ll need to complete forms similar to those that schools or colleges require to cover consent and information about any health and welfare needs. Club officials and Jake will see to it that any activities that are organised for Juniors have all the required checks and balances in place. You’ll be given or sent forms as and when they are needed.
Similarly, the Club has obligations towards vulnerable adults who have:
· needs for care and support (whether or not the local authority is meeting any of those needs) and;
· is experiencing, or is at risk of, abuse or neglect; and;
· as a result of those care and support needs is unable to protect themselves from either the risk of, or the experience of, abuse or neglect.
To do this we ask that any concerns are brought to the Welfare Officer, any Club official, or the person having a concern seeks advice from England Golf. Those involved will then be guided through the processes outlined in the Policy by the England Golf Safeguarding Officer.
If anyone has any questions about SafeGolf at Hebden Bridge Golf Club, do get in touch.
Management Committee HBGC
For a limited period, we are offering a 25% discount on our Full Membership Rate - new and returning Members will pay just £520 per annum for the next two years.
For further details, please email us at info@hebdenbridgegolfclub.co.uk